> Off-Grid
Synvertec developed a top-notch solution designed to incorporate more renewable energy sources within off-grid systems.
The Advantages of Off-Grid Systems
Many millions of people all over the world do not have access to electricity supplied by a central power grid. Most of them utilize off-grid systems to generate electricity. Some utilize off-grid systems individually, while others have access to larger off-grid systems that cater to entire communities.
Off-grid systems have some significant advantages. As they are not connected to centralized power and only supply electricity locally, their stability can sometimes be stronger than those of central power grids. They are also the most viable and economic electricity solution for over one billion people who reside in remote areas within developing countries, far from the reach of central power grids.
The main problem facing off-grid systems is their inability to contain high levels of renewable energy sources, due to system instability. Traditionally, diesel generators are used to provide power to rural communities and people residing in remote, cut-off areas. Yet as cleaner, less-expensive power sources such as solar PV are successfully utilized by more and more households, renewable energy sources (RES) for off-grid systems is becoming an increasingly popular concept.
Transitioning from Diesel to Renewable
Creating a New Off-Grid Reality
At Synvertec, we developed a top-notch solution designed to incorporate high renewable energy source levels within off-grid systems. Our algorithm interfaces with inverters connected to the off-grid system, allowing them to imitate synchronous generators. The system's stability increases as it complies with the inertia produced by the inverter – and ultimately becomes the foundation for higher RES penetration. This leads to reduced dependency on diesel generators, better environmental sustainability and enhanced cost-effectiveness.
We believe that our technology can have a profound effect on the following areas and applications:

Island infrastructure
Countless Islands worldwide are self-sufficient when it comes to electricity, and rely mainly on grids powered by expensive fossil fuels. With RES advantages known to all, the objectives of many Islands is to become dependent on grids powered completely or mostly by renewable energy sources.

Remote villages
The world is peppered with remote villages and rural areas with no access to electricity (housing over one billion people). RES-powered off-grid systems can potentially supply many of these areas with power on a regular basis.

Many farmers have already replaced central power with off-grid systems that provide their farms with cost-efficient power, thus complementing their sustainable farming efforts.
Off-grid mining, which requires non-stop power, can potentially replace expensive diesel generated power with cost-efficient RES-based electricity.